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Showing results 549 to 568 of 2769 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-01-06Fight against Covid - 24 May - 6 JuneForeign Affairs Department, BJP
2023-01-06Fight against Covid - major Decisions 22 June - 6 JulyForeign Affairs Department, BJP
2023-01-06Fight against Covid- 13 May to 19 MayForeign Affairs Department, BJP
2023-01-06Fight against Covid-7 june - 21 JuneForeign Affairs Department, BJP
1951-05-16First Amendment of the Constitution of India: Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee & Jawaharlal Nehru-
1951-06-02First Amendment of the Constitution of India: Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee & Jawaharlal Nehru-
1951-05-29First Amendment of the Constitution of India: Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee & Jawaharlal Nehru-
1950The Folly of Recognising Red ChinaSethna, K.D.
2019-05-04For our programmes, we need far more revenueAgarwal, Gopal Krishna
1960Foreign Policy Of Warren HastingsPrakash, Ram
1920Foreign Policy Of Warren HastingsPrakash, Ram
2004-01-11Foreign Policy, Defence & International CommerceBharatiya Janata Party, BJP
1966Foundations of MaoismSwarup, Ram
2019-05-04Four years of responsive and effective governanceAgarwal, Gopal Krishna
2017Freedom Movement Encyclopedia-
2019-05-16The Frightening and Scary Scenario of India’s OppositionJaitley, Arun
2019-05-16The Frightening and Scary Scenario of India’s Opposition-
1992From Yerwada MandirGandhi, Mahatma
2018-07-07Fuel for DevelopmentAgarwal, Gopal Krishna
2019-05-04Fuel for developmentAgarwal, Gopal Krishna