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        The Atharva Veda says, ‘The Earth is   Further the inter-continental   Further, the UJALA programme has
        our Mother and we are her children’.   translocation of African cheetahs   led to thousands of crores of savings
        Indian philosophy and lifestyle have   has provided a boost to India’s   while reducing carbon dioxide
        always been rooted in the concept   wildlife diversity.  In 2023, after 70   emissions.
        of coexistence with nature.   years, cheetah cubs were born in
                                      India as the wildcat had previously   Meanwhile, as part of its global
        Over the last nine years, under   become extinct in the country.   leadership in promoting clean and
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s                              renewable energy,  India under
        leadership, India has emerged as   While many countries fail to fulfil   PM Modi championed and led the
        a global leader in the fight against   their climate targets, India has hit   formation of the  International Solar
        climate change.               targets long before deadlines. For   Alliance.
                                      example, the target for achieving
        When PM Modi took over in     40% of installed electricity capacity   The newly launched National Green
        2014, India was globally seen as a   from non-fossil sources, which was   Hydrogen Mission aims to make
        roadblock in climate negotiations.   set at COP 21, was fulfilled nine years   India energy independent, as well as
        However, the Prime Minister has   ahead of schedule. Targets set for   a hub for the production and export
        given solutions to forge a path   Ethanol Blended Petrol under the   of green hydrogen.
        forward. Since COP 21, the Prime   National Policy on Biofuels were
        Minister’s principle of climate justice   also achieved 5 months ahead of   From cleanliness to avoiding single-
        has ensured that equity concerns   schedule.                use plastic, the Prime Minister has
        aren’t ignored in climate change                            often encouraged citizens to make
        negotiations. India has remained   The Namami Gange programme has   lifestyle changes to contribute to
        focused on providing a ‘fair deal’.    successfully arrested pollution of   the environment. By transforming
                                      the holy river and improved water   these causes into mass movements,
        At COP26 in Glasgow, the Prime   quality at numerous locations. This   he has ensured impact at scale
        Minister introduced the idea of LiFE.   cause has been extremely close to   rather than a temporary shift in
        India believes that climate action   PM Modi’s heart, as evident in his   public habits.
        starts at the individual level and   decision to donate all proceeds from
        Prime Minister Modi has provided   an auction of gifts he received to the   According to Prime Minister Modi
        a simple solution to the complex   Namami Gange programme.    - our planet is one but our efforts
        problem of climate change.                                  have to be many - One earth,
                                      The last nine years have witnessed a   many efforts. India stands ready
        There has been a significant increase   rapid transition towards renewable   to support any effort for a better
        in forest cover in the country.   sources of energy. Numerous   environment and to further global
        Over the past decade, the tiger   incentives for the renewable energy   wellness.
        population in India has more than   sector and lower cost of inputs
                                                                               * * *
        doubled and today India is home to   have led to a massive decrease in
        75% of the world’s tiger population   renewable energy tariffs.

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