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        The Farmers, agriculture, and its   of 2021-22, India’s foodgrain   A priority for the government since
        allied activities have always been   production touched a new record   2014 has been the modernization
        key elements of India’s socio-  with estimates for 2022-23   of Indian agriculture. The use of
        cultural life and economy. In the   indicating even higher production.    Soil Health Cards issued by the
        last nine years, Indian agriculture   There has been buoyant growth   government has helped farmers
        has received new impetus, guided   in the horticulture sector too.   make efficient use of various
        by Prime Minister Narendra    The allied sectors of Indian   inputs and maximize their yield.
        Modi’s “Beej Se Bazaar Tak”   agriculture - livestock, forestry &   Through multiple programmes like
        approach which stands out for its   logging and fishing & aquaculture   the National Mission on Natural
        comprehensiveness.            are witnessing robust growth   Farming (NMNF) which promotes
                                      and becoming a potential source   chemical-free and climate smart
        The government has extended   for improving farmer’s income.   agriculture, small farmers are
        income support with PM Kisan   The dairy sector which employs   being encouraged to adopt natural
        Samman Nidhi, providing farmers   more than eight crore farmers   and organic farming. This has led
        with an assured cash transfer of   is doing well. India ranks first   to lower investments on inputs,
        Rs. 6,000 per year through Direct   in the world in milk production,   higher income of the farmers
        Benefit Transfer. This supplemental   third in egg production, third   and protection from the perils
        income received through       in fish production, and eighth   of climate change and various
        regular instalments has cut out   in meat production. To unlock   uncertainties.
        intermediaries and enabled even   the growth potential of the
        small and marginal farmers to   agriculture and allied sector,   To achieve the aim of “Beej
        purchase better quality inputs,   the Government has introduced   Se Bazaar Tak ‘’ strengthening
        improve their land productivity,   Agricultural Infrastructure Fund. It   forward linkages of agriculture
        and increase their income.    is a financing facility operational   is necessary for improving the
                                      from the year 2020-21 to 2032-33   condition of farmers. Linking
        To offset the inherent risks   for the creation of post-harvest   agriculture markets throughout
        associated with agriculture,   management infrastructure and   the country through the e-NAM
        the government introduced the   community farm assets.      initiative has brought transparency
        Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana,                           and increased competition in
        an agricultural insurance system   The United Nations declared 2023   agriculture markets.
        that provides a safety net for   as the International Year of Millets.
        farmers against uncontrollable   Termed “Shree Anna” to highlight   The last nine years have seen
        factors like unseasonal rain, pest   its value as a superfood, Millets,   a paradigm shift in Indian
        damage, post-harvest losses etc.   one of the oldest cultivated crops   agriculture sector, making it
        In the same way, the Pradhan   by humans, are also the crops of   modern, scientific and prosperous.
        Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana has   the future. In the words of the   Today, the Indian farmer isn’t
        expanded irrigation coverage.   Prime Minister himself, “Millets are   just cultivating for India, but is
                                      good for the consumer, cultivator,   confidently eyeing the world as a
        The results are for all to see.   and the climate.”         marketplace for its wide-ranging
        During the Covid hit period                                 products.
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          14     9 Years - Seva, Sushasan, Garib Kalyan
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