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        India’s development is inextricably   of Nari Adalat have been made   Women empowerment is
        linked to the development     part of the Sambal sub-scheme;   contingent upon the economic
        of its women. With this       while the schemes of Pradhan   empowerment of women.
        acknowledgment, Prime Minister   Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana   Programmes such as MUDRA
        Narendra Modi’s government in   (PMMVY), Shakti Sadan (Ujjwala &   Yojana in which 68% of loans have
        the last nine years has put Nari   Swadhar Greh), Working Women   been extended to women have
        Shakti at the forefront of India’s   Hostel (Sakhi Niwas) and National   enabled crores of women across
        development journey.          Creche Scheme (Palna) have been   the country to pursue micro-level
                                      subsumed in ‘Samarthya’.      entrepreneurship and become
        The Modi government understands                             financially independent. To
        that empowerment is not a one-  The impact of this approach has   promote financial inclusion among
        stop solution, rather it requires a   been evident in the outcomes,   women, Mahila Samman Savings
        lifecycle-based approach towards   such as an improved sex ratio at   Certificate was introduced as
        women empowerment. In this    birth which is now for the first   part of the Union Budget 2023-24,
        regard, welfare programmes for   time 1020 women per 1000 men,   which is a small savings scheme
        women are designed in a manner   a rise in institutional deliveries,   exclusively for female investors.
        to support them at different   declining infant mortality, and a
        stages of life to overcome socio-  lower maternal mortality rate.    Under PM Awas Yojana, women
        economic barriers to their                                  are being made owners of the
        empowerment.                  For Modi government providing   family home thus becoming active
                                      women a life of dignity is    participants in household decision-
        Mission Poshan, is an integrated   a fundamental promise of   making.
        nutrition support programme   governance. This promise
        to address the challenges     manifests itself in the increased   In the 9 years of the Modi
        of malnutrition in children,   usage of LPG cylinders under the   government, women have grown
        adolescent girls, pregnant women,   Ujjwala Yojana which has saved   from strength to strength.
        and lactating mothers through a   crores of women from chronic   Their success can be seen in the
        strategic shift in nutrition content   respiratory disorders through   significant increase in the numbers
        and delivery and by the creation   smoke-free kitchens. With the   of female police personnel, in the
        of a convergent ecosystem to   success of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan,   laurels won by sportswomen for
        develop and promote practices   crores of women are now able   the country, and in the enrolment
        that nurture health, wellness, and   to access toilets in their homes   of women in the fields of Science,
        immunity. Mission Shakti which   without any fear of safety or   Technology, Engineering & Maths.
        comprises two sub-schemes     violation of dignity. Walking long   The government has transformed
        ‘Sambal’ and ‘Samarthya’ for the   distances to fetch water for daily   women from being targets
        safety, security, and empowerment   consumption is becoming a thing   of welfare to agents of
        of women. The existing schemes   of the past as households across   empowerment. Today it is no
        of One Stop Centres (OSC),    the county are getting tap water   longer women development, but
        Women Helplines (181-WHL), and   connections under the Jal Jeevan   women-led development.
        Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP)   Mission.
                                                                               * * *
        together with a new component
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