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        Prime Minister Narendra Modi   the youth can be seen in the   that was launched in 2016, the
        has famously said “The world   massive rise in new Employee   Modi government has taken
        has admitted that India has two   Provident Fund Organisation   numerous measures to promote
        limitless powers - demography &   accounts. Consistent efforts to   entrepreneurship by providing
        democracy.” India currently has the   transform India into an attractive   a host of tax benefits, easing
        world’s largest young population,   investment hub, assisting   regulations and reducing the
        and the government under Prime   MSMEs and programmes such   compliance burden.
        Minister Modi is committed to   as Production Linked Incentive
        harnessing its potential to the   Scheme for domestic production   Like entrepreneurship, sports
        fullest.                      have contributed towards creating   was considered a distraction for
                                      employment opportunities for   most young people, and they were
        The National Education Policy   young Indians.              discouraged from pursuing it
        (NEP) of 2020 overhauled the                                professionally. However, PM Modi
        existing education system after   Rozgar Mela, a recruitment drive   brought a crucial behavioural and
        over thirty years. NEP envisions a   for 10 lakh Central government   mindset change and introduced
        paradigm shift in the Indian school   jobs has been launched by the   various policies that have allowed
        and higher education system   government. The youth are also   innumerable youngsters to fulfil
        that is rooted in Indian ethos, is   being given an opportunity to   their dream of pursuing sports as
        more learner-centric, and aims to   serve in the Armed Forces under   a career. India saw its best-ever
        make India a global knowledge   the Agnipath scheme. It will   performance in history during the
        superpower. In the last nine years   provide a fresh lease of ‘Josh’ and   Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
        alone, a record number of new   ‘Jazba’ in the Armed Forces, whilst   in 2021. This has been an outcome
        IITs, IIMs, medical colleges, and   at the same time bringing about   of long-term planning and support
        universities have been opened   a transformational shift towards a   through the flagship Target
        across the country. Along with   more tech-savvy force.     Olympic Podium Scheme.
        education, skilling, and upskilling
        have also been the focus of the   The focus has not been just to    As India enters Amrit Kaal, its
        Modi government. Since its launch,   create employment but also   demographic dividend is uniquely
        more than 1.37 crore youngsters   to build entrepreneurship,   poised to usher in an era of rapid
        have received skill training   transforming the youth from job   social, economic, and technological
        under the PM Kaushal Vikas    seekers to job creators. Unlike   innovation and advancement.
        Yojana, thereby improving their   earlier when people were risk   The government in the last nine
        employment prospects.         averse and opted for salaried   years has been fully committed
                                      jobs, the youth today is raring   to supporting the youth in all its
        The success of the Modi       to go because of the conducive   goals and endeavours.
        government’s prioritization of   policy environment. Through
                                                                               * * *
        creating new formal jobs for   the Startup India programme

          36     9 Years - Seva, Sushasan, Garib Kalyan
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