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        The mark of a dignified standard of   areas. It entails mapping land   considerable savings without
        living is to own a house with basic   parcels using drone technology   compromising on comfort.
        amenities such as piped water,   and providing a ‘Record of Rights’
        cooking fuel, sanitation, electricity,   to village household owners with   The Digital Payment revolution
        and internet along with financial   the issuance of legal ownership   unfolding in India has attracted
        security through insurance, tax   cards (Property cards/Title deeds)   global attention. In January
        benefits, and easy access to public   to the property owners.    2023, about eight billion (800
        utilities. Since 2014, Prime Minister                       crores) transactions worth nearly
        Narendra Modi’s government has   Lower taxation and affordable   $200 billion ( Rs. 2 lakh crores
        worked tirelessly to improve the   borrowing rates have led to   approximately) were carried out
        quality of life of every Indian.    massive savings for middle-class   on the Unified Payment Interface
                                      households and expanded their   (UPI). The system is now used by
        The Modi government in its    disposable income. Positive   close to 300 million individuals
        endeavour to provide dignified   changes in income tax exemptions   and 50 million merchants. Digital
        life to all Indians has turned their   and direct tax reforms have   payments are being made for even
        dream of owning a house into   reduced their tax burden and   the smallest of transactions, with
        a reality. The Modi government   made tax filing simpler for the   nearly 50 per cent classified as
        through its welfare programmes   middle class. The Goods and   small or micropayments.
        has ensured that citizens across all   Services Tax has led to a decline in
        segments of society have access   a wide range of everyday expenses   Taking India’s digital
        to basic facilities like banking,   for consumers.          transformation and connectivity
        LPG connections, sanitation,                                to new heights, Prime Minister
        electricity, tap water, affordable   The Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik   Narendra Modi recently launched
        healthcare, and quality education.   (UDAN) scheme, now in its   5G services in India. It unlocks
        A reduction in interest rates and   sixth year has made air travel   huge possibilities for India with
        the Modi government’s Credit   affordable, and convenient for the   high-tech technology and paves
        Linked Subsidy Scheme under PM   common man. It has provided air   way to bring transformation in
        Awas Yojana has enabled people   connectivity to numerous tier 2   crucial areas including agriculture,
        to buy their first home. Alongside   and tier 3 cities and ensured that   health, education, transport,
        this, strengthening the regulatory   air travel is accessible to all. The   smart cities, Industry 4.0, financial
        framework through steps such as   number of operational airports in   inclusion, etc.
        the enactment of the Real Estate   the country have doubled since
        Regulatory Authority (RERA) Act   2014.                     The government through various
        2016 has ensured that the lifetime                          measures in the last nine years has
        earnings of citizens are protected   To ease transportation and daily   focused on improving the daily life
        by a legal framework that upholds   commute for the urban citizen,   of its citizens. This push to improve
        the rights of homebuyers.     a record number of metro rail   quality of life for all Indians is in
                                      projects have been approved   line with the larger vision of the
        The Svamitva Scheme is a      and commissioned across several   Prime Minister of “Sabka Saath,
        reformative step towards the   cities. Citizens are now shifting   Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka
        establishment of clear ownership   from private vehicles to public   Prayas.”
        of property in rural inhabited   transportation and making             * * *
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