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Zero-tolerance to terrorism   What is a positive               •  This boosts India
           •  No major terrorist      indigenisation list and why        strategically and at the
             attack in Indian cities in   does it matter?                same time, creates jobs for
             non-conflict zones since    •  Our positive                 youth.
             2014.                         Indigenisation lists of over   Investment for
           •  Appropriate response to      4100 items comprising    Aatmanirbhar defence
             cross-border terrorism        major equipments have    sector
             through Surgical Strikes      been issued.                •  FDI limit in defence
             in 2016 and Air Strikes     •  These lists contain a        raised to 74% through
             in 2019.                      roadmap of those              automatic route.
           •  Sponsors of terror have      weapons, arms and           •  In Budget 2023-24, 75% of
             been globally isolated        systems that India will       the capital procurement
             and cut to size.              not import in future. 3       budget for Defence is for
           •  India has made terrorism     separate lists of over 3,700   domestic industry.
             a global issue and is         items for DPSUs have        •  Incentives for defence
             leading global discussions    been notified.                corridors in Uttar
             on this issue.              •  Knowing such a roadmap       Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
           •  Strengthening legal          and mandate for domestic    •  Defence corridor in
             framework through             procurement helps             Bundelkhand of Uttar
             UAPA amendment.               domestic manufacturers        Pradesh will transform
                                           ramp up production.           the poor region into a
                                                                               * * *

        Agnipath is a game changer
        scheme for the Armed Forces
        which is going to act as force
        multiplier in making Indian
        military as one of the best in
        the world with youthful,
        high-tech and ultra-modern
        outlook. The Government has
        launched Agnipath scheme on
        June 15, 2022 to recruit both
        male and female aspirants into
        ‘below the officer’s rank’ cadre
        of the three services for a period
        of four years as Agniveers.
        Candidates between the age
        group of 17.5 to 21 years are
        eligible to apply for the scheme.

          66     9 Years - Seva, Sushasan, Garib Kalyan
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