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        The past few years have been   To make India self-reliant   allowed MSMEs to expand their
        challenging for the global economy   in manufacturing, the Modi   operations and grow.
        as it recovers from the aftermath   government has initiated several
        of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the   programmes under Aatmanirbhar   PM Modi has consistently assured
        Russia-Ukraine conflict. As the world   Bharat as well as Make in India. This   the country’s wealth creators
        struggles to find its feet, the Indian   sector received further impetus with   adequate support in their efforts
        economy continues to break new   the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)   towards innovation and making
        ground. In its latest projections   scheme. The objective behind PLI is   India self-reliant. This is reflected in
        on world economic growth,  IMF   to make domestic manufacturing   his personal focus and support for
        recognizes India as the fastest-  globally competitive and to create   the Indian Semiconductor Mission
        growing major economy in the   domestic leaders in manufacturing.   (ISM) and its vision of building
        world.                        The PLI Schemes have created   a semiconductor and display
                                      lakhs of jobs and placed the   manufacturing ecosystem in India.
        The robust rise in GST collections,   Indian economy on a rapid growth
        increase in capital expenditure   trajectory. From a net importer   India has also emerged as a
        outlay, and record growth in   earlier, India has become a global   preferred investment hub under
        exports are indicative of a vibrant   manufacturing hub for mobile   Prime Minister Modi’s dynamic
        and growing economy that has   phones. The production of mobile   leadership with it recording its
        recovered from the effects of the   phones has risen from about 60   highest ever annual FDI inflow of
        pandemic.                     million in 2014-15 to approximately   USD 83.57 billion in the Financial
                                      310  million in 2021-22.      Year 2021-22. The Modi government
        This can be credited not only to                            has also announced a new Foreign
        the Modi government’s holistic                              Trade Policy to boost Indian exports,
        approach to managing the economic   The Modi government has made   as well as to take India’s goods and
        fallout of the pandemic, but also   MSMEs, a central focus of its   services exports to 42 trillion by
        to the consistent efforts since   economic policy. The government’s   2030.
        2014 to strengthen the economy.   Emergency Credit Line Guarantee
        The structural reforms initiated   Scheme during the Covid pandemic   The Indian economy has seen a
        by the Modi government have   protected more than one crore   remarkable transformation in the
        strengthened the Indian economy   MSMEs and saved them from   last nine years, and its impact can be
        and enabled it to withstand the   possible permanent closure.   seen in the improved quality of life
        unprecedented effects of the   Moreover, reforms such as revision   of all Indians across various sections
        pandemic.                     of MSME definition and changes in   of society.
                                      labour and environment laws have
                                                                               * * *

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