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Ahead of the curve, due to         recommended it.               of more than 5 lakh.
        proactive leadership             •  The fact that India went
           •  At a time when many          into an early lockdown   Digital is the way – ABDHM
             world leaders failed to       has been universally        •  With the success of
             even recognise COVID-19       acknowledged. This helped     CoWIN and Aarogya Setu,
             as a threat, even before      ramp up medical infra.        the power of tech in
             India had a single case,                                    healthcare has been seen.
             screening began in       Future-proofing India with       •  Ayushman Bharat Digital
             airports.                PM-ABHIM                           Health Mission (ABDHM)
           •  Long before many other     •  PM–Ayushman Bharat           is creating a seamless
             countries took it seriously,   Health Infrastructure        online platform for
             in the first week of March    Mission to invest Rs.         healthcare.

             2020, PM Modi said he         64,180 crore on health      •  Citizens create their
             would avoid gatherings        infra.                        ABHA (Ayushman Bharat
             such as Holi Milan and set   •  Support for 17,788 rural    Health Account) numbers,
             an example.                   health and wellness           to which their digital
           •  Mask mandates were           centres in 10 high focus      health records are
             enacted in large parts of     states.                       linked.
             India long before the       •  Establishing 11,024 urban   •  With the citizen’s
             WHO called for them.          health and wellness           consent, this data can be
           •  At a time when many          centres in all the states.    accessed by healthcare
             countries were only         •  3,382 block public health    professionals.
             thinking of massive           units in 11 high focus      •  ABDM facilitates
             mortalities, in April 2020,   states.                       evidence-based decision

             India had already set up    •  Setting up integrated        making for effective
             a vaccine task force to       public health labs in all     health interventions.
             save lives.                   districts.                  •  37.07 crore ABHAs have
           •  India started using Rapid   •  Establishing critical care   been created so far!
             Antigen Tests to speed up     hospital blocks in all
             testing long before WHO       districts with a population          * * *

        a slice of history and present
                                                                          The speed at which
                                                                          India’s COVID-19
                                                                          vaccines were
                                                                          developed shows a
                                                                          New India that does
                                                                          not have to wait
                                                                          decades for vaccines
                                                                          or depend upon
                                                                          other countries.

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