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           and saturation
           coverage end

           Welfare schemes            Irreversible empowerment      Ending the politics of
           from 2014 have             for marginalised groups       low expectations and low
           been motivated              •  Earlier, the attitude of   delivery
           by the principle              certain governments was to    •  Once a gas connection
           of Antyodaya                  patronise the marginalised      is given, an electricity
           (no one is left
           behind). It means             groups by ensuring some         connection is given or a
           the government                piecemeal benefits.             tap water connection is
           is targeting 100%           •  They wanted to keep the        given, none can take it
           saturation in every           people dependent on             away.
           scheme.                       them, and hence, irreversible   •  Further, the poor become
                                         empowerment was denied.         aspirational and have
           100% coverage               •  But now, PM Modi               higher expectations
           means everyone will           has ensured a shift             since their basic needs are
           get the benefits of           from patronage-based            met.
                                         support to irreversible       •  This creates greater
                                         empowerment.                    expectations from
                                       •  Schemes like Stand Up India    governments and pushes
                                         and MUDRA Yojana are            them to deliver more.
                                         empowering individuals        •  For a long time, India was
                                         from marginalised groups by     harmed by politics of
                                         providing entrepreneurship      low delivery and low
                                         opportunities.                  expectations. But now,
                                       •  These entrepreneurs will       that is being changed by
                                         shape aspirations and           PM Modi.
                                         become role models for
                                         the entire community.                 * * *

          4      9 Years - Seva, Sushasan, Garib Kalyan
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