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is not real development,      story.
        and has long term                This book is a
        consequences for the          comprehensive
        human race. This is in        compendium about India’s
        line with ancient Indian      transformation under PM
        philosophy which has          Modi’s visionary leadership
        always valued nature and      across fourteen facets of
        environment. Under PM         policymaking, ranging from
        Modi, India has championed  infrastructure to foreign
        environmental protection      policy to social justice.
        globally, emerging as a       This is the story of nine
        leader of the movement.       years of serving the
        Like environment, under       underserved,
        PM Modi’s leadership,         empowering women,
        India is also committed       providing opportunities
        towards  preservation,        to the youth, and
        and promotion of its          celebrating the
        rich cultural heritage.       farmer. This is the
        The United Nations            story of new India.
        declared June 21st as
        International Yoga Day, an               * * *
        acknowledgement of the
        global recognition of Indian

           After first assuming
        elected office in 2001 as
        Chief Minister of Gujarat
        and then becoming the
        Prime Minister of India in
        2014, Narendra Modi has
        set a new benchmark in
        reforms and governance
        which has become a model
        for inclusive development
        not just for India but for
        many parts of the world.
        He has not only
        encouraged people to
        aspire but also provided
        adequate government
        support for fulfilling their
        rising aspirations so every
        Indian, in ‘Amrit Kaal’, can
        be a part of India’s growth
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