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        The Constitution treats every   to empower the traditionally   of brave tribal fighters for the
        Indian citizen as equal, and   neglected communities.       country, the government has
        guarantees a life of dignity for                            declared November 15 of every
        each of them. Yet despite several   In line with its welfare programme,   year, Bhagwan Birsa Munda’s
        decades since independence, many   the Modi government’s historic   Jayanti as Janjatiya Gaurav Divas.
        Indians continued to lack the   decision to provide reservations   This kind of recognition builds
        basics to lead a life with dignity.   for economically weaker sections   pride among communities by
        This had to change, and change   provided much-needed support to   highlighting their contribution to
        rapidly. Since 2014, the government   poor households.      nation-building.
        led by Prime Minister Narendra
        Modi has been committed to    As part of its vision of inclusive   The government’s efforts to
        a model of development that   development, the government   extend welfare provisioning
        ensures that no one is left behind.   has undertaken many reforms to   and poverty alleviation have
        Development that guarantees   empower Divyangjan, Transgender   received recognition from
        basic facilities such as drinking   persons, Denotified and Nomadic   global institutions. A recent IMF
        water, electricity connections,   tribes, and other such hitherto   paper has credited the Modi
        healthcare, toilets, LPG cylinders,   unserved or underserved groups.   government for ending extreme
        education, and financial inclusion   The government’s resolve for   poverty in the country. The Global
        to all, and not just to a select few.   social justice was evident in its   Multidimensional Poverty Index
                                      decision to implement OBC and   (MPI), released by the United
        In the last nine years, the Modi   EWS reservations in all India   Nations Development Programme
        government has launched and   quota seats in medical education,   (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty
        implemented several welfare   ensuring that students from these   and Human Development Initiative
        schemes to empower every Indian.    groups can also aspire to become   (OPHI) has also credited India
                                      doctors in affordable government   with a reduction in all ten of
        The results of such irreversible   colleges. Likewise, under the   its Multidimensional Poverty
        empowerment can be seen in    Namaste scheme, the government   Indicators. Serving the poor
        programmes like MUDRA Yojana   aims to eradicate unsafe sewer   and the marginalized has been
        and Stand Up India, which are   and septic tank cleaning practices,   the underlying promise of the
        creating a large pool of young   so that sanitation workers can lead   Modi government, a promise
        entrepreneurs from marginalised   a life of dignity.        that is guided by the principle of
        groups. More than half of the 40                            ‘Antyodaya’ which means that the
        crore loans given under MUDRA   An integral element of PM Modi’s   goal of development isn’t complete
        have been given to SC/ST/OBC   government has been the effort   till it reaches the last person in
        entrepreneurs. This is ushering   to recognize icons of social   society.
        empowerment of not just       empowerment. For instance, to
        individuals, but is also a means   commemorate the sacrifices
                                                                               * * *

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