Page 6 - 9_Seva_Sushasan_Garib_Kalyan
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The year 2023 marks        believed in setting           infrastructure grows rapidly
        nine years of Prime           challenging targets, and      and the government
        Minister Narendra Modi’s      achieving them before         under PM Modi’s dynamic
        government. These             the set deadline. This can    leadership understands
        nine years have been          be seen across sectors-       this. The completion of
        dedicated to bring about      whether it is in vaccinating   infrastructure projects
        development which is          the entire eligible           that were delayed over
        inclusive, progressive,       population in record time     decades, as well as starting
        and sustainable. The          against Covid-19, recording   and completing new ones
        government under Prime        the nation’s highest ever     has been the cornerstone
        Minister Modi has been        exports in history, in the    of this government’s
        steadfast in its commitment  digital revolution which is    developmental approach.
        of creating equity and        taking place across India,
        opportunity for all citizens.  in achieving monumental         In stark contrast to
                                      targets for rural             the earlier piece-meal
           PM Modi has brought        electrification, in building   approach to development,
        the politics of development   world class infrastructure    the Modi government
        - Vikasvaad - into the        or in providing drinking      has brought in a culture
        mainstream, making it the     water facilities across       of holistic development
        focal point around which      households.                   that leaves no one behind.
        political discourse and                                     The massive expansion
        policy action now revolves.      In the last nine           of welfare coverage over
                                      years, there has been a       the last nine years has
           Since assuming office      paradigm shift in public      motivated all Indians to
        in 2014, PM Modi has          service delivery and          dream big and aspire for
        remained firm in his resolve   the implementation of        greater achievements.
        of keeping ‘India first’ in   government schemes using
        every policy formulation      the JAM Trinity-Jan Dhan,        The expansive
        and action. This resolve is   Aadhar, and Mobile. JAM       and holistic reach of
        evident in government’s       Trinity is the key enabler    development and welfare
        handling of both external     of India’s transformed and    schemes has ensured
        and internal security,        well-developed digital        irreversible empowerment
        economic management,          landscape. It has removed     for various marginalised
        empowerment schemes           intermediaries and            groups, helping them
        for marginalised groups,      permits direct transfer of    become aspirational and
        efforts at cultural           benefits into an intended     self-reliant.
        conservation and so on.       beneficiary’s bank account.
                                                                        The world is now
           Prime Minister Modi’s         For a country to prosper,   realizing that development
        government has always         it is imperative that its     which is not sustainable,
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