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        Today the world is looking at India   and Angel Tax, and lowering   World Bank’s Logistic Performance
        as an attractive destination for   corporate tax. The National Single   Index (LPI) 2023, now ranking 38th in
        investment and global companies   Window System now allows   the 139 countries index.
        want to establish businesses here.   obtaining all approvals through   This is a strong indicator of India’s
        There is wholesome appreciation   a single platform. Moreover, the   global positioning, with this
        for Prime Minister Narendra   Modi government has reduced   development being powered by
        Modi’s thrust for transformative   unnecessary compliance burden by   the Government’s laser focus on
        governance and economic reforms   repealing more than 1,500 archaic   reforms for improving logistics
        to enhance the Ease of Doing   laws and thousands of compliances.   infrastructure through initiatives
        Business in India. This has helped   These used to create unnecessary   like PM Gati Shakti and new National
        both existing, as well as new   costs and hurdles for Indian   Logistics Policy.
        businesses and entrepreneurs to   enterprises.
        invest and set up businesses in                             The thrust towards greater
        India. One of the greatest examples    The Prime Minister’s mantra   transparency & a level-playing field
        of improvement in the business   of transparency and reducing   for MSMEs and small businesses
        climate of the country can be seen   compliance requirements   is exemplified by the success of
        in it’s startups. Before 2014, India   demonstrates a government that   the GeM portal, the government
        had around 350 StartUps. Over   trusts its citizens. This trust is being   purchases through which have
        the last nine years, encouraged by   reciprocated in the rising number of   crossed Rs 4 lakh crore.
        schemes such as StartUp India, there   taxpayers and record tax collections.
        has been a 260 fold increase in the   Similarly, promoting self-regulation,   Apart from numerous reforms and
        number of StartUps. Moreover, the   self-certification, computerised   landmark decisions, Prime Minister
        country today is home to over 100   random labour inspections and   Narendra Modi has successfully led
        Unicorns.                     faceless assessment/appeal in   a mindset transformation. Unlike
                                      taxes has not only dealt a blow to   previous governments, the Modi
        Since 2014, rent-seeking and   ‘Inspector Raj’ but also improved   government not only considers
        red-tapism have been replaced   compliance.                 entrepreneurs as wealth creators
        by a red carpet. The government                             but also as partners in national
        is not an obstacle in the path of   India’s efforts to improve the   development. Concerted efforts to
        risk-takers but is an active enabler.   ease of doing business are   improve the Ease of Doing Business
        Entrepreneurs and investors   being acknowledged on the     have led to a historic expansion in
        in India are now delighted by a   global stage. This is evident in   the pool of wealth creators. This has
        business-friendly environment   consistent improvement in various   had a butterfly effect on the country
        and a government that actively   international rankings. For instance,   at large- it has increased resources
        addresses their concerns and   the country’s ranking in the World   available to the government for
        redresses grievances. This paradigm   Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index   it’s welfare and development
        shift has been made possible   surged from 142 in 2014 to 63 in   programmes, while at the same time
        through landmark decisions such   2019.                     enabling job creation, and higher
        as removing retrospective taxation,   India has climbed six places on the   incomes in the country.
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