Page 93 - 9_Seva_Sushasan_Garib_Kalyan
P. 93

1.67 lakh

                                           new companies
         Rise of 79 ranks,                registered is the                 4 new
         from 142 in 2014 to                 highest ever
          63 in 2019, in Ease                 in a single                   labour codes
          of Doing Business                 financial year                   to promote
                rankings                                                   labour welfare

         Retrospective                                                        tax cut
                  tax                           tax                     to 15% from 25%for
                                                                           new domestic
             repealed                        repealed                      manufacturing

           16 out of 81                     39,556

            offences under                   unnecessary                    1,500+
           Companies Act                     compliances                    archaic laws
            decriminalised                     scrapped                        repealed

              Number of                   Record 50%
              approvals                      increase                      National Single
           needed to start                   in patent                    Window System
           a business down                registration                       has ensured
              from 14 to                  over the last                        easier
              just 3                       seven years                    compliance

                                                 9 Years - Seva, Sushasan, Garib Kalyan    85
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98