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Painless, faceless, seamless     •  Faceless assessment and   Trust in industry and
        tax system                         appeals remove chances   entrepreneurs
           •  Tax rates are not a pain     of harassment, reducing     •  The ‘Growth
             anymore. India has one        inspector raj.                Ambassadors’ of India,

             of the lowest corporate                                     our entrepreneurs are
             tax rates of 15% for new   From red-tapism to red           powering India’s growth
             domestic manufacturing   carpet                             story by creating jobs.
             companies.                  •  Various economic           •  A new mindset of trust has
           •  For existing companies,      reforms and incentives        been created where the
             the government reduced        have made India the most      government and citizens
             corporate tax rates           preferred destination         trust each other.
             from 30% to 22%.              for investment.             •  Self-regulation and
           •  Retrospective tax          •  Single window system         Self-compliance are the
             adversely affected            is available for approvals    norm.
             India’s image among           and clearances, reducing    •  Ending ‘Inspector
             global investors and has      hassles.                      Raj’, reforms in labour
             accordingly been scrapped.   •  The number of documents     inspection processes and
             Similarly angel tax has       needed for company            environmental laws have
             also been scrapped.           incorporation has been        curbed rent seeking and
           •  Most tax processing          reduced.                      corruption.
             and assessments happen      •  FDI rules have been
             online, which makes filing    liberalised in many                 * * *
             returns, assessments,         sectors and hence, FDI has
             appeals and refunds           broken all records in the
             seamless and quick.           past few years.

               Did you know?

               • PM Modi made it easier to start a business by reducing the number of
                 approvals needed from 14 to just 3 steps.
               • Since 2014, PM Modi has repealed more than 1,500 Union laws that were
                 redundant or outdated.
               • India’s fintech adoption rate (87%) is higher than the global average
                 (64%), making it one of the largest digital markets in the world.
               • India’s goods exports touched a record $448 billion in FY2022-23, which
                 is more than the entire GDP of Pakistan ($350 Billion).
               • Electronics manufacturing has grown by 300% since 2014.
               • India is the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world after the United
                 States and China.
               • India’s position in World Bank’s rankings for getting construction permits
                 rose from 181 in 2018 to 27 in 2020 under PM Modi.
               • No. of patents granted has gone up from 6,326 in 2015-16 to 34,153 in

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